I have a date dimension DATEVAL and I would like a calculated field to return the sum of a measure ( Shipment) if the year equals year today minus one (so 2020 as of today)Region 2,3,4,5 have dozens of line items for a single phase that I have to sum up before I can average them per phase for that region. Expand Post. SUM([Sales]) / [State Sales Denominator] You must use SUM() to aggregate sales because State Sales Denominator is an aggregate field (we used WINDOW_SUM on it). 1. I need to create a table as a dashboard in Tableau. Where INDICATOR17 is the sum of INDICATORS 3, 11, 12, 15 and 16. Upvote Upvoted Remove Upvote Reply. Sum up to previous month last date only [Year to previous Month] sum(if[Order Date]<=[previous Month last date] then [Value] end) You only need to consider the latest year to cut the latest month. Here are the steps: 1. The following FIXED level of detail expression computes the sum of sales per region: {FIXED [Region] : SUM ( [Sales])} This level of detail expression, named [ Sales by Region ], is then placed on Text to show total sales per region: The view level of detail is [ Region] plus [ State ], but because FIXED level of detail expressions. In Tableau, it is simply a more concise, yet less powerful method for performing multiple comparisons. To conditionally sum numeric data in an Excel table, you can use SUMIFS with structured references for both sum and criteria ranges. From the Compute Using list, choose Advanced…. Numerical values in Tableau can be either integers or floating-point numbers. Attached a sample Tableau workbook for your reference. brand_share_test. Hello all, I am trying to replicate some SUMIFS logic from excel into Tableau. Connect with us!•Subscribe to the OneNumber Newsletter: Eric Parker on LinkedIn: Drag the Number of Records measure to Color. Add a table calculation to the line chart to show sales by Sub-Category as a running total, and as a percent of total. Looking at the image of Formula AutoComplete and the list of arguments, in our example sum_range is D2:D11, the. Trying to do a very simple sum of distinct values in my tableau model. Products Toggle sub-navigation. Using Tableau. (Takes whatever expression you give it and computes the total for the whole data in the partition). Note: Tableau Desktop will show one marks card for each copy of container called: Sum(Container) and Sum(Container) (2). The sum_range field is the set of cells you want SUMIFS to add together if they meet the criteria. The range of cells to sum. Get instant live expert help on sumif in tableau. is an aggregation method, i. 1. Tableau Community ForumsCalculate Moving Average or Sum. For example, the view shows the difference in average regional sales between quarters. Once you select Add All Subtotals Option, an extra row with Total will be added in the nested region to display the column totals. sum (game points) to rows. Advertising cookies track. Manoj Tableau generates a view based on the attributes of your data, the measures in your data are aggregated based on the dimensions in the view. I'm trying to get the total number or sum of rows from a count of items. '-problem (as AVG is an aggregation), and I tried a number of other approaches too without success. Open WaterFall_SampleData. Sorted by: 2. Displays the rank value calculated based on the sum of sales as [SalesRank]. I know that Excel and Tableau are drastically different and not to expect similar functionality, capabilities, or performance. The critera_range1 field is the set of cells you want to test your first IF statement against. Instead of the sum of all sales per region, perhaps you want to also. SUM – is an aggregate function used to sum all the values in an expression. I am looking for a way to sum together the values associated with two of the budget codes and provide a daily total. Sum_range (required). sum_range Optional. Add Grand Total for Columns. Drag look up if current year to filters and select Special -> Non-null values 6. The sum_range is the range I want to sum, D2:D19. For example, in the below January data was significantly skewed so Jan benchmark should the CpKPI for Jan and then we re-set starting in February. Community. SUMIF in Tableau. The previous aggregate to see if the column "DividingNumber" is between or equal to the current & previous aggregate. The Table Calculation dialog box expands to show a second panel: In the second panel, choose Percent Difference From as the Secondary Calculation Type. Aggregate functions available in Tableau. Most require writing a simple formula of some kind. Dev (Pop). So to help with that translation let's take a SUMIF () calculation apart. SUMIFS is an Excel function, introduced with Excel 2007 (v12. In this example, the calculated field is named "Unfiltered. Follow. In the example shown, the formula in G5 is: =SUMIF(B:B,F5,C:C) With "Blue" in cell F5, the result is 38. Workbook to go with the SUMIF in Tableau Post. My thought reading this thread is I need to create seperate individual queries for the sumifs/subtotals and merge with the main 'consolidated' query, to create addtional colums which would be: Total all/county/region/user. A bar chart showing the sum of sales for each region appears. . How do I do that? I tried . Create a new worksheet to display the percentage measures. Just a new learner. [Distinct Sales]) FROM(depending on your data format) but I would have thought that you could just create a secondary sum variable (i. In a nutshell, I am comparing Shipments, Containers and Volume. Dividing two columns in. Here, for example, I inserted the column BA to contain the data for December, 2012. Since it is a Measure value, the Sales Amount will aggregate to the default Sum. To sum all of the profit figures as well as sum all of the sales figures and then divide by the totals, the calculation on Tableau calculated field looks like: Sum ( [Profit])/Sum ( [Sales]). It's really doing two. This example uses Superstore sample data to compare varying ranges of Sales. Which can be interpreted as "there is more than one value". Right click on [Dimension1] and select. 2. Other year, you can sum up the value just as usual. twbx. I. Using IN or INLIST in variable. Kindly check if this required in your original data or notHi Tableau Community, I have an excel spreadsheet attached for reference & basically need to replicate the sumifs function in Tableau. Once items in the range are found, their corresponding values in Sum_range are added. And then create a calculated field which would split the view in two: Running sum <=90 and the rest would be at the bottom 10. iv) Inserting SUMIFS to Sum under Column and Row Criteria with Blank & Non-Blank Cells. There are many containers per shipment and volume is specific to shipment, hence. AND() is used to perform logical conjunction between two expressions while OR() function performs logical disjunction between two expressions. CSS ErrorUsing IF,THEN,IFELSE Calculation for Dates. 2. Data is aggregated at a different level and fixed value changes as per the values or data changes. QUOTIENT: Returns one number divided by. xyz 100. The range argument is the range of cells where I want to look for the criteria, A2:A19. As I said I can see the running sum if I use Sending/Structure feature. I require a calculated field for this because i need this to use in a. Hi Sameer, Find my approach below, Create a calculated field (Filter) to apply filter on your Column 1. On the Marks card, click the Mark Type drop-down and select Map. In a view with no dimension pills and no filters (i. See Attaching a Packaged Workbook and Anonymize your Tableau Package Data for Sharing |Tableau Support Community for more information. The content in this topic applies to all platforms, unless specifically noted. That said, I notice that your calculated fields do not include a SUM. The above calculation will find the percentage of the SUM([measure]) at the view level of detail across [dimension], but there are circumstances in which the. The resulting view averages the sum of sales by state across categories. I am getting closer when using a WINDOW_SUM function together with LOD: WINDOW_SUM(SUM({ FIXED [Fiscal Year],[Category]:[Orders (Count Distinct)]})) But if I am filtering out one category I (of course) only get the Sum of the shown categories:COUNT ( [EmailPromotion]) – The result of this expression will be the sum of all rows in the selected field. {FIXED [Subject] : [Q1 %] } Select the subject and Q1 % is the SUM of the group by subject. I am creating a variable in Tableau and am trying to create an IN or INLIST which says something like: IF x IN ('A', 'B') THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END. Required cookies are necessary for basic website functionality. Hi Sally Sam. Tableau allows you to view data in disaggregated form (relational databases only). I also thought maybe an IIF functions within a SUM function like such: SUM(IIF([Full Or Nonfull]='NOT FULL',[Pmt Acct], 0), IIF([Charity]='No',[Post Pmt],0), This post walks through how to replicate the Excel SUMIFs function in Tableau. The sum_range is the range I want to sum, D2:D19. The statement SUM([Products returned]/[Products sold] only peforms the calculation for the individual month and does not take into account the 12 month sum in each of the measure rows. Answer. See below for an explanation of the formula in column D. Suppose you want to sum orders’ amounts for either of the products “Orange” and “Apple” supplied as criteria in array constant then you need to provide multiple criteria in SUMIFS function as follows; =SUM (SUMIFS (D2:D22,B2:B22, {"Orange","Apple"})) Remember, you cannot use an expression or cell reference an array constant. OPTION 2: Overwrite unused dates to create extra columns. In fact, pure ANSI standard SQL doesn’t even include IF statements at all—you must use CASE. COUNTD () – This function will always return the number of UNIQUE values in the selected field. The calculation field is important while aggregating values. Say you have some sales data (Tableau's sample data) and you want to show sum of sales for each market. The numeric fields use the SUM function by ignoring the Null values. I've then taken your C1. SUM Volume / Sum Hours => SUM([Sum of Volume]) / SUM([Sum of Hours]) AND . 49 1 7. But really, without some mocked up data or a workbook, it's difficult to tell if that's workable. Up Next: Read How does Tableau recognize is not null in a calculated field in Tableau? Related Posts. END. The difficulty is the benchmark time frames can change every month due to inaccurate data. If no conditions are True then Tableau will return the. Write a calculation for the Percent of Total. 1163. sum([Post Comments])+sum([Page Likes])+sum([Post. This means that if you have a field with two values 0 and 1 in a table with 100 rows, this function will return the value 2, unlike COUNT. 1 Answer. xyz 200. Sum_Range is entered last in the SUMIF functio n. Criteria_range1 and Criteria1 set up a search pair whereby a range is searched for specific criteria. In this example, it is named Five Colors. Tableau doesn't have a SUMIF function but you can nest an if statement inside sum. What is Tableau Sum and Running Sum? Sum. In the Fields section, select the column that you want to sum. Hi all, I need to create a calculated field in Tableau by leveraging SUMIFS. E. 3. Hi Anu j. Please navigate to Analysis Tab and choose the Create Calculated Field (choice to create a calculated field and use sum. In the Analytics pane, under Summarize, drag Totals into the Add Totals dialog, and drop it over either the Row Grand Totals or Column Grand Totals option. Hello, im trying to get a information of a table. Right click on. ELSE 0. 4. Date Amount 1-Oct 100 1-Oct 120 2-Oct 150 3-Oct 200 4-Oct 250 5-Oct 500. Level of Detail expressions (also known as LOD expressions) allow you to compute values at the data source level and the visualization level. ELSE 0. Tableau's Order of Operations. It just assigns 1 to the each customers like distinct count, Sum is used since its an LOD, the result of an LOD must be aggregated. AND() and OR() functions are logical functions – and just like all other logical calculations these functions test whether a condition is TRUE or FALSE (Boolean function). abc 10. If [Region] ="Central" or [Region] ="East" then "Territory1". Hope i clarified my requirement. WINDOW_SUM(MIN([Measure1]),0,IIF(FIRST()==0,LAST(),0)) END . I want to calculate the Count SUM of all the rows with the same Seller id. Using your calculation, when i create a calc field with sum of Q1 and Q2 & drag it to tableau workspace, tableau further divides the calculated field in four quarters which is what i do not want. How can I sum the values by Month without Sending/ Structure. how should i write this calculation? thank you. In this instance the 7 jobs would be allocated to the second lane in. Daniel. Sumifs for OTDM. Using IF statements with Dates. It is the group by sum or sum of the value. See attached. In our dataset now, there are a few missing values in the columns of Date of Purchase & Date of Delivery. In a separate sheet, I have taken Key from the rows to a detail. ×Sorry to interrupt. For each mark in the view, a Moving Calculation table calculation (sometimes referred to as a rolling calculation) determines the value for a mark in the view by performing an aggregation (sum, average, minimum, or maximum) across a specified number of values before and/or after the current value. Let me know if anyone has questions. Excel SUMIF Example. Tableau now computes the SUM (Number of Records) for each distinct. In the following steps, Gross Profit and Operating Income are calculated in Tableau Desktop to create a waterfall chart using these measures. But I. At first glance, the PREVIOUS_VALUE table calculations looks very similar to LOOKUP ([Value],-1), but the big difference is that PREVIOUS_VALUE doesn’t apply to a measure you specify, like in LOOKUP, but it applies to itself. Histograms help you see the distribution of records with regard to a measure by. I am giving solution on the basis on previous sampled data. Drag the Segment dimension to Columns. Next, write the expression as shown below, and click Ok. 09). range_angka = cell range di mana angka-angka yang ingin kita jumlahkan dari semua entri data terpilih berada; range_data1 = cell range berisi data yang akan dievaluasi dengan kriteria pertamamu; criterion1 = kriteria pertamamu. Connect to the Excel file and add [Other Sheet] as input. Click the SUM (Sales) field on the Marks card and select Edit table calculation. In the attached file I need to create separate view based on user and need to show up Total time, Misc time,page cnt and. Create a calculated field similar to the following: IF FIRST()==0 THEN. I am new to Tableau and trying to create something similar to sumifs in excel. I'm having a hard time setting up calculated field that will sum units if date is between start and finish, I keep getting formula errors. From the Orders table in the Data pane, drag Sales to Color on the Marks card. The result of the Tableau Cumulative Sum at any step (row) is the sum of all the preceding rows within a column. in this case if the count is same for the part number i need to arrange in alphabetical order as well. Table calcs also give you the option of how to aggregate as in the attached workbook. Tableau Desktop Answer Create a calculated field similar to the following: AVG([measure]) / SUM( {EXCLUDE [dimension]: SUM({INCLUDE [dimension]: AVG([measure])})} ). Answer. 1 Answer. Thank you very much for the example. Add [data] as input and join with Aggregate step above as below. Yesterday, though instead of playing Minecraft, I volunteered by tracing buildings with my Mom, to help support the fight against Malaria in Zambia. Connect to source data [Sheet 1] 2. I can't figure out how to do it! Can this be done? Thanks! Expand Post. In the Calculated Field dialog box that opens, do the following, and then click OK : Name the calculated field. 39 KB. For example, if the measures on Table A have a unique row identifier based on Date/Time, use that dimension to remove. A RUNNING_SUM(COUNTD([ClientID])) doesn’t work (as seen in the Running Sum of CountD Fails) worksheet because the COUNTD() is evaluated for each week , so it double-counts 9 extra records by ClientID, as seen in the Grand Total at the. First, write an if statement. Next, this tutorial will look into the Date Parameters in Tableau. Navigate to the Data source tab in Tableau Desktop. Using your calculation, when i create a calc field with sum of Q1 and Q2 & drag it to tableau workspace, tableau further divides the calculated field in four quarters which is what i do not want. So, in the sample worksheet you shared, if I select 2014, the calculated field should give me the sum of sales of all months in 2014. When using table calculations, grand totals and subtotals might show unexpected results. The next step is to combine the SUM (Sales) field and the created {Total Sales} field and create a new field for the procent of. NULL s are ignored, so they won't be counted. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. END . Each example contains a live example and instructions in a tabbed view. Create a new Calculated Field called Total Runs (Home + Away) = HomeScore + AwayScore, then make a bar chart using this new calculated field as your measure, then drop Home/Away on the color shelf for a stacked bar chart with Home and. of hours based on a location and date range. Step 3: Enter the criteria range 1 from A2:A6. Aggregations and floating-point arithmetic: The results of some aggregations may not always be exactly as expected. Detractor. twbx. Fixed statement (LOD) again returns the value as non-aggregate value. SUM(IF [Field]=TRUE then 1 else 0 end) or in some cases, it makes sense to return a field like an ID . Step 3 – Right-click on the Customer Count measure in the Measure Values shelf and choose Edit Table Calculation. Tableau will do the SUM() in the background and show the 'totals'. For instance, say I have the following data. For example, criteria_1 in row 10 allows only dates up to and including April 9; Criteria_2 makes sure we only sum values from rows where the date is greater than 10 days before the date in column A. Criteria_range1 and Criteria1 set up a search pair whereby a range is searched for specific criteria. Tableau aggregates the date by year, and creates column headers. For example, return the sum of all the values where category is listed as "age range". Use the Insert menu to add dynamic text such as sheet. OR [Category] = "Event Revenue"Tableau Desktop; Table joins; Answer Use a FIXED expression to remove the duplicate data. In the Data pane, right-click a field and select Create > Group. All Courses. 2. This is basically a SUMIFS formula via excel to match the staff code by Tier 1 & 2 to its respective individual profits. Right-click [Category] on the Filters shelf and select Show Filter. Click the equal sign, and select <=. And because of the Tableau operations order, Totals and other table calculation are computed before the other filters, which explain why you can't get only the Total of the Data in the view. I am looking to create a calculated field in Tableau that mimics our bench-marking process. Display or Add Subtotals in Tableau. Above is the excel formula, here I want to use SUMIFS function to calculate Base Price. {EXCLUDE [City] : sum ( [Sales]) } Image 3. For example, to find the percent of total sales per segment; the following table calculation for finding the percent of total sales: SUM ( [Sales]) / TOTAL (SUM ( [Sales])) Could become: SUM ( [Sales]) / SUM ( { EXCLUDE. 0833 + 0. Create a calculation field Diff. Ideally, I want the margins for A to be displayed as 300 (150+100+50), but tableau displays it as 450 because of the duplicate values. 1. So I have to do two calculations on Region 2,3,4,5 : Sum all the line items with the matching ProjectID and then I have to use that calculated SUM in a formula that does an average by phase. And it will be great if i could keep the the "sum of values" and "Sum of values 2" in calculated field. Answer 1. In the calculation editor, we need to define the calculated field. There are a few approaches to replicating Excel's SUMIF function, my preferred approach is to use the function INT () which converts its argument to an integer, along with the aggregation function SUM (). xlsx. Click the indicator and choose from the following options: Filter Data - exclude the null values from the view using a filter. If offset is omitted, the row to compare to can be set on the field menu. To conditionally sum numeric data in an Excel table, you can use SUMIFS with structured references for both sum and criteria ranges. There are a few approaches to replicating Excel's SUMIF function, my preferred approach is to use the function INT () which converts its argument to an integer, along with the aggregation function SUM (). In. So is there any way or any idea why number 1 and 2 doesn't work out. General Information. Add a Clean Step [Clean 1] 3. We want to sum up the sales for “Apple” only and that makes our criteria. A Running SUMIF adding up Dividing % along the table, so the values would be 0,08, 0,32, 0,32, 0,38 and so forth in the screenshot above, 2. Please use the steps below to create a sum distinct calculated field for a measure: 1. Grovbolle Desktop CP, Server CA • 4 yr. twbx. How to Use Tableau Fixed Function?then when you drag it to the viz it will aggregate with sum . WINDOW_SUM. In the example workbook, this worksheet is named. Learn how to build a Histogram Chart in Tableau in 5 minutes with Sylvie ImbertLinks-----Related video link: 2. I am not getting this to work and it seems like IN or INLIST does not appear to be available. SUM({FIXED[Segment], [Category] : SUM([Sales])}) But if you double-click into the shelf to edit the expression, what you see in edit mode is the original expression. In general you are more likely to get helped if you post some normalized data explain what your goal is and what you have tried in Tableau. Rafal Nowak (Member) 3 years ago. Solution: Wrap the fields or aggregations in ZN(). Drag the created field onto Text. ‘criteria_range1’ specifies the first range where the first criteria is to be evaluated. Since the denominator is a FIXED level of detail expression, it will still divide the. Hi Anitha, You can find sum of two fields using calculated field, but both the number format should be same to provide correct answer, For example, sum = [Sales] + [Profit] sum = SUM ( [Sales]+ [Profit]) This follows for both numbers, decimal numbers, %'s. To sum total value based on a given year, you should specify the first and last date of the year by using the DATE function, and then use the SUMIFS function to sum all values within the specified dates, the generic syntax is: =SUMIFS (sum_range,date_range,">="&DATE (year,1,1),date. Message was edited. SUMIF: Returns a conditional sum across a range. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. Tableau uses text as the mark type. This will produce a total sum of sales no matter what, and then you could create a calculated field as Nicarus suggested in his answer, even though this one should be more flexible: SUM ( IIF ( [Fruit] = "Apple", [Sales], 0) ) / SUM ( [Total Sales] ) Read more about the power of LOD Expressions on Tableau blog. At first glance, the PREVIOUS_VALUE table calculations looks very similar to LOOKUP ([Value],-1), but the big difference is that PREVIOUS_VALUE doesn’t apply to a measure you specify, like in LOOKUP, but it applies to itself. Here's what I did: Created an optimize calc with the formula IF FIRST ()==0 THEN WINDOW_SUM (SUM ( [Value])/Count ( [Category])) END. COUNTD () – This function will always return the number of UNIQUE values in the selected field. 775/1600= 48% – CORRECT Not (50+60+ (-25))/3 = 28%. In some situations, you can use the SUMIFS function to perform multiple-criteria lookups on numeric data. Basically, I have multiple rows of data and each row has a quantity and an upper and lower bound, I want to sum EVERY quantity that falls within the upper/lower bounds for a particular row and then repeat this process for each row but only sum the quantities that fall within the bounds within that row. , Expand Post. the If function tests the condition, and depending upon the condition result, it will return the output. The expression SUM([Sales])+SUM([Profit]) may also return NULL, even though aggregations like SUM() ignore NULL values, if the entire sum is NULL. CONTAINS is a string function in Tableau (See String Functions). So our range is the “Products” column. (SUM([Pa Requests])/SUM([MEMBER MONTHS]. Tableau will treat this field as a dimension in all future actions. In addition, Tableau has an "all at once" model where all of the calculations in a particular view are computed at the time the view is updated. Code of Conduct. WINDOW_SUM(SUM([Sales]), FIRST(), LAST()) Let me add this WINDOW_SUM field to. To explain further, I require a calculated field which can calculate sum of sales for all months for the year selected in the year filter. On the Marks card, right-click SUM(Sales) and select Add Table Calculation. Answer. But really, without some mocked up data or a workbook, it's difficult to tell if that's workable. A Running SUMIF adding up Dividing % along the table, so the values would be 0,08, 0,32, 0,32, 0,38 and so forth in the screenshot above, 2. To use SUMIFS like this, the lookup values must be numeric and unique to each set of possible criteria. IF LEN ( [Name])> 5 THEN LEFT ( [Name],5) ELSE [Name] END. We recommend using this workaround after. asked Aug 8, 2019 at 17:40. The "Sunday" is supposed to be whatever you consider the starting day of the week. If you then put [State] on the Filters shelf to hide some of the states, the filter will affect only the numerator in the calculation. I have a list of products and the pricing changed in April. 3333 + 0. Using Tableau. The following INCLUDE level of detail expression calculates sum of sales on a per-state basis: { INCLUDE [State] : SUM (Sales)} Type the calculation directly on the Rows shelf, and then change the aggregation to AVG using the field's context menu. Any help is appreciated! Expand Post. I agree with caitlin. 1, you can now create and edit flows in Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. This feature is not yet supported in Tableau Server. Sum values by year in Excel with SUMIFS and DATE functions. Click on the first copy of SUM(Container) on the Columns shelf. name sal . 3. It is the total of the values present in a field. In Tableau Prep you can calculate a moving average or sum across a. In the Table Calculation dialog box that opens, do the following: For Calculation Type: select Difference From. The cumulative graph in Tableau is all about the cumulative frequency of a graph, Which is nothing but calculating the Running Total. =if(g2>0,sumifs(h:h,b:b,b2),0) =IF(SUMIFS(D:D,B:B,B2,C:C,"type 4")=0,45,SUMIFS(D:D,B:B,B2,C:C,"type 4")) =IF(OR(F2="-",E2="-",E2=0),". In non-aggregated formula, such as [Profit] / [Sales], the value of profit divided by the value of sales in each row, then the results are sum up. To calculate the standard deviation of the measure Sales, across the variable, Sub-Category, right click on the SUM (Sales), and select Std. Sum, average, and median are common aggregations; for a complete list, see List of Predefined Aggregations in Tableau. Sorted by: 2. Applies to: Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Public, Tableau Server. A default name is created using the combined member names. The following INCLUDE level of detail expression calculates sum of sales on a per-state basis: { INCLUDE [State] : SUM (Sales)} Type the calculation directly on the Rows shelf, and then change the aggregation to AVG using the field's context menu. This article shows how to use this Tableau RUNNING_SUM () function to calculate the cumulative sum. e. For more information about authoring flows on the web, see Tableau Prep on the Web in the Tableau Server (Link opens in a new window) and Tableau Cloud (Link opens in a new. Create a calculated field with the name _Measure Sum to show the SUM of measures with the below calculation:Yes, something that allows for multiple values instead of logically grouping each record and then not allowing it to be grouped again. I'm trying to replicate the SUMIFS function from Excel in Tableau. Create a string parameter with the name _Measure Names as shown below: 2. Thus, our first formula looks like this: =SUMIFS (Table1 [Sales], Table1 [Rating],9) We hit Enter, and get 0. IF SUM(AMOUNT) , GROUP BY SALE , BIN it under " > 1000 and < 2500 " bucket. ZN function works for both level like row level and aggregate numbers. Click the field again and select Default Properties > Number Format > Percentage. Select Analysis > Create Calculated Field. In the Create Set dialog box, do the following. But person A has duplicate load#. While doing sum I need to ignore negative values. Then the % of Total RS/WS calculation is the Running Sum of CountD/Window Sum of Countd and that returns the desired 2/15 = 13. This means that if you have a field with two values 0 and 1 in a table with 100 rows, this function will return the value 2, unlike COUNT. I am eleven years old and I am going into sixth grade. In our case, the range (a list of dates) will be the same for.